Sunday, March 20, 2011

Match Day 2011

My friend Kemeni and I directly after opening our envelopes. We both got our first choices.

Here's the official add-on to the wife's initial real-time post below. I can't tell you how relieved I am after spending the last four years in pursuit of a favorable residency match. Just to reiterate - we matched at my #1 general surgery program choice - New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC (we could have matched at any one of the twelve programs on my rank list). It's a small program that takes only two categorical surgery residents/yr. Beautiful location right along the NC coast. I loved my interview day there and then Amy and I were able to make a trip back there prior to making our rank list so she could get a better direct impression. It's a big move, but we are excited to start the next phase of our life together and I'm looking forward to starting my training in earnest!


Nicole said...


That is so great! Congrats :) I'm excited for you two!

Sarah Saunier said...

Thanks so exciting. Congratulations!